
If you are not receiving home delivery using our online store, and would like to purchase our products or find out more about us, please visit one of the following locations or links:



Apple Valley Creamery Store
541 Germany Road
East Berlin, PA 17316
Phone: (717) 528-4520

Amanita Cafe
401 West Walnut Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
Phone (223) 529-6109
Website: www.amanitacafe.com
Products made from Apple Valley Creamery ingredients available at this location

Basehore Farm Market (open seasonally)
6080 Creekview Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
Phone: (717) 576-0787
Website: www.basehorefarm.com 
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Butcher Block Premium Meats and Seafood
3055 Biglerville Rd
Biglerville, PA 17307
Phone: (717) 677-7977
Website: www.butcherblockmeats.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Butcher's Farm Market (open seasonally)
590 North 4th Street
Newport, PA 17074
Phone: (717) 567-3539
Website: www.butchersfarmmarket.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Cervenka Farm (open seasonally)
179 Klinesville Road
Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone: (908) 782-3671
Website: www.cervenkafarm.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Cow Belle Home Delivery
Bethlehem, PA 18301
Phone: (570) 369-4048
Website: www.homemilkdelivery.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Deimler's Butcher Shop
633 Numer Road
Newport, PA 17074
Phone: (717) 567-9970
 Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

The Deli Station
845 Woodland RD
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Phone: (610) 372-4414
Website: www.farmersmarketofwyomissing.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products and cheese available at this location

D & S Produce
888 Bushey School Road
York Springs, PA 17372
Phone: (717) 357-3552
Website: www.dandsproduce.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products and cheese available at this location

Dutch Country Soft Pretzels
2758-1 Division Highway (Rt. 322)
New Holland, PA 17557
Phone: (717) 354-4493
Website: www.dutchcountrysoftpretzels.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Earth Spring Farm
366 Stought Road
Carlisle, PA 17015
Phone: (717) 805-7778
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Easton Public Market
Highmark Farmstand
325 Northampton Street
Easton, PA 18042
Phone: (610) 250-2072
Website: www.eastonpublicmarket.com/farmstand-orig/ 
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Eden Garden Farm Market and Orchard
810 Franklin Church Road
Dillsburg, PA 17019
Phone: (717) 432-3306
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Elementary Coffee Co. - North Street Location
256 North St.
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Website: www.elementarycoffee.co
Products made from Apple Valley Creamery ingredients available at this location

English Farm
3625 Valley Road
Liberty Corner, NJ 07938
Phone: (908) 337-7789
Website: www.englishfarm.org
Apple Valley Creamery milk products and cheese available at this location

The Farmstead Butcher
2778 Baltimore Pike
Gettysburg, PA  17325
Phone: (717) 334-6328
Website: https://www.facebook.com/farmsteadbutcher/   
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Gateau Monique
5 South Queen Street
Littlestown, PA  17340
Phone: (717) 900-4916
Website: www.gateaumonique.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products and cheese available at this location

Good Keeper Farm
250 Old State Road
Gardners, PA 17324
Phone: (717) 448-7694
Website: www.goodkeeperfarm.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products and cheese available with CSA shares

Goose Lane Egg Farm
111 Goose Lane
Sinking Spring, PA 19608
Phone: (610) 763-5372
Website: www.gooselaneeggfarm.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Harvest Barn Country Market
1924 York Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 353-2459
Website: www.harvestbarncountrymarket.com 
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Heyser Farms
14526 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20904
Phone: (301) 384-7859
Website: www.spencervillered.com 
Apple Valley Creamery milk products and cheese available at this location

Hillsboro Farm Country Market (open seasonally)
219 Hillsborough Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
Phone: (908) 262-2407
Website: www.hillsborofarm.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products and cheese available at this location

Hilltop Farm Market (open seasonally)
65 Bonners Hill Road
York Springs, PA 17372
Phone: (717) 528-4796
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Hollabaugh Brothers, Inc.
545 Carlisle Road
Biglerville, PA 17307
Phone: (717) 677-9494
Website: www.hollabaughbros.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Homegrown Marketplace
Fairfield, PA 17302
Website: www.homegrownmarketplace.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Joe StrEAT Cafe
1968 Carlisle Road
York, PA 17408
Phone: (717) 900-5074
Website: https://joe-streat.square.site/ 
Products made from Apple Valley Creamery ingredients available at this location

Johnsonville Farm & Garden
154 Johnsonville Road
Bangor, PA 18013
Phone: (610) 599-0683
Website: www.johnsonvillefarmandgarden.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Karns - Boiling Springs
413 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007
Phone: (717) 258-1458
Website: www.karnsfoods.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Karns - Carlisle
1706 Spring Rd
Carlisle, PA 17013
Phone: (717) 218-8588
Website: www.karnsfoods.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Karns - Etters
10 Newberry Commons
Goldsboro, PA 17319
Phone: (717) 906-5500
Website: www.karnsfoods.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Karns - Harrisburg
6001 Allentown Blvd.
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Phone: (717) 545-4731
Website: www.karnsfoods.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Karns - Hershey
731 Cherry drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Phone: (717) 533-6445
Website: www.karnsfoods.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Karns - Lemoyne
1023 State Street
Lemoyne, PA 17043
Phone: (717) 763-0165
Website: www.karnsfoods.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Karns - Mechanicsburg
4870 Carlisle Pike
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
Phone: (717) 901-6967
Website: www.karnsfoods.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Keystone Inn
231 Hanover Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 339-6596
Website: www.keystoneinnpa.com
Dishes made from Apple Valley Creamery ingredients available at this location

Lemon Street Market
241 W. Lemon Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
Phone: (717) 826-0843
Website: www.lemonstreetmarket.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Lewisburg Pharmacy
50 N Second Street
Lewisburg, PA  17837
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location 

Little Amps Coffee Roasters - Green St
1836 Green Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102
Phone: (717) 695-4882
Website: www.littleampscoffee.com
Products made from Apple Valley Creamery ingredients available at this location

Little Amps Coffee Roasters - State St
133 State Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102
Phone (717) 856-5197
Website: www.littleampscoffee.com
Products made from Apple Valley Creamery ingredients available at this location

Locals' Market
200 North U.S. 15
Dillsburg, PA 17019
Phone: (717) 971-4141
Website: www.locals-market.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Mad Radish Farm
1991 George Street
Dover, PA 17315
(443) 643-5684
Website: www.madradishfarm.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Mad Radish Farm
Central Market York
34 West Philadelphia Street
York, PA 17401
Website: www.madradishfarm.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Main St Market
17 Main Street
Glen Rock, PA 17327
Phone: (717) 814-8183
Website: www.mainstmarketglenrock.com 
Apple Valley Creamery milk products and cheese available at this location

Markets of Shrewsbury
Trailside Bulk Foods Stand
12025 Susquehanna Trail
Glen Rock, PA 17327
Phone: (717) 227-4987
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Miller's Country Market
1140 Abbotsown Pike
Hanover, PA 17331
Phone: (717) 630-1143
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location.

Millville Farm Market & Creamery
650 North State Street
Millville, PA 17846
(570) 458-6046
Website: www.facebook.com/Millville-Farm-Market-Creamery
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Oak Grove Farms
846 Fisher Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Phone: (717) 766-2216
Website: www.oakgrovefarmsinc.com/cms
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Paulus Farm Market
1216 South York Street
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Phone: (717) 697-4330
Website: www.paulusfarmmarket.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Peters Orchards
10540 Carlisle Pike (Route 94)
Gardners, PA 17324
Phone: (717) 528-4380
Website: www.peters-orchards.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Phillips Farms Market
564 Milford Warren Glen Road
Milford, NJ 08848
Phone: (908) 763-2126
Website: www.phillipsfarms.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products and cheese available at this location

Prince's Farm Stand
1123 Mountain Avenue
Mountainside, NJ 07092
Phone: (908) 358-3311
Website: https://www.facebook.com/pg/princesfarmstand/about/?ref=page_internal
Apple Valley Creamery milk products and cheese available at this location

Radish & Rye Food Hub
1308 North 3rd Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102
Phone: (717) 979-7574
Website: www.radishandryehbg.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Ragged Edge Coffee House 82
82 Steinwehr Avenue
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-4464
Products made from Apple Valley Creamery ingredients available at this location

Raven Rock Livestock
90 Harbaugh Valley Road
Fairfield, PA 17320
Phone: (443) 308-8688
Website: www.ravenrocklivestock.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products and cheese available at this location

RowanTree Farm
126 South Locust Point Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Website: www.rowantreefarm.com  
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Salsa Grill
6644 Security Boulevard
Gwynn Oak, MD 21207
Phone: (410) 265-5552
Website:  www.eatsalsagrill.com
Dishes made from Apple Valley Creamery ingredients available at this location

September Farm
5287 Horseshoe Pike
Honey Brook, PA 19344
Phone: (610) 273-3552
Website: www.septemberfarmcheese.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Sonnewald Natural Foods
4796 Lehman Road
Spring Grove, PA 17362
Phone: (717) 225-3825
Website:  www.sonnewald.org
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Stoney Lane Cattle Co.
5615 Clearview Road
Dover, PA 17315
Phone: (717) 758-4382
Website: www.stoneylanecattle.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Strites' Orchard Farm Market and Bakery
1000 Strites Road
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Phone: (717) 564-3130
Website: www.stritesorchard.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Taylor's Greenhouse (open seasonally)
265 Fairgrounds Road
Biglerville, PA 17307
Phone: (717) 677-7471
Website: www.taylorsgreenhouse.com 
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Warrington Farm Meats
156 Old Cabin Hollow Road
Dillsburg, PA 17019
Phone: (717) 432-5229
Website: www.warringtonfarmmeats.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Wenger Meats & Ice
511 E. Louther Street
Carlisle, PA 17013
Phone: (717) 249-3223
Website: www.wengermeats.com
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

West Shore Farmer's Market
Union Mill Acres
900 Market Street
Lemoyne, PA 17043
Phone: (717) 565-9960
Apple Valley Creamery milk products available at this location

Wholly Holistic
1150 Carlisle Street, Suite 8
Hanover, PA 17331
Phone: (717) 637-7230
Website: www.wholly-holistic.com
Apple Valley Creamery raw milk and cheese available at this location.


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